# landing This site is a subset of my working notes. Written *for me*, but when a note feels whole will publish. Positive forcing function. Just started project, might not be interesting for a bit. Connect w/ me [on X](https://twitter.com/courtlandleer) or in [my company server](https://discord.gg/plasticlabs). ## content Expect notes on AI, axiology, cogsci, crypto, heutagogy, semiotics, etc (maybe some light gear / prodpr0n). If a thing is intuitive, I tend to omit, link-out, or term-wrap. Experiments in economy define style. Incremental writing. - [[reading|Current reading list]] with select highlights. - RSS [here](https://courtlandleer.xyz/rss.xml). Or [subscribe to quarterly new note email](https://ojbimshduvj.typeform.com/to/P8NFGYAI). ## design Inspired by [Andy's notes](https://notes.andymatuschak.org) & influenced by whatever representation I've formed of second brain/knowledge graph concepts. Theme is bastardized [Solarized](https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/) GPT-4 helped make [Logseq-y](https://logseq.com/). Using [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish).